4/2: Equal Pay Day 2019

This year, Equal Pay Day is on Tuesday, April 2.

Here are a few things we can all do now to help ensure
equal pay and economic security for all women:

1. Urge your U.S. Senators to pass the Paycheck Fairness Act!
a. NWLC petition:

b. ACLU petition:

2. Call your representative today. Urge her or him to vote Yes on the Paycheck Fairness Act!
Call AAUW’s toll-free number, 1-855-973-0824, to hear the call script and automatically
connect to your representative’s office.

3. Go online and take the online AAUW Work Smart salary negotiation workshop.
AAUW’s goal is to train 10,000 women by April 2.
Visit https://salary.aauw.org to start the one-hour workshop online.
Ask other women you know to complete the online workshop by 4/2.

Make your voice heard on Equal Pay Day.
Take a few minutes to sign a petition, make a phone call, or take the online
salary negotiation workshop, because the time is now!
2019 Equal Pay Days
Tuesday, March 5: Asian American women’s Equal Pay Day
(Asian women vs. White, non-Hispanic men – $0.85)

Tuesday, April 2: All women’s Equal Pay Day
(Women overall vs. Men overall – $0.80)

Friday, April 19: White women’s equal pay day
(White, non-Hispanic women vs. White, non-Hispanic men – $0.77)

Thursday, August 22: Black women’s Equal Pay Day
(Black women vs. White, non-Hispanic men – $0.61)

Monday, September 23: Native Women’s Equal Pay Day
(Native women vs. White, non-Hispanic men – $0.58)

Wednesday, November 20: Latinas’ Equal Pay Day
(Latinas vs. White, non-Hispanic men – $0.53)
Susan Holland, Branch Public Policy Chair, 845-389-3961