March 2019: Women’s History events at the AJ Williams-Myers African Roots Library

Sally Bermanzohn is author of Indian Annie, A Grandmother’s Story, and Through Survivors’ Eyes. She is active at Seed Song Farm, African Roots Library, and Neetopk Keetopk. Sally will talk about Native American women as farmers and leaders in the Eastern Woodlands.

Sarah Elisabeth is an herbalist who farms, gardens, teaches, consults, writes and sells herbal products. Sarah works in the Wise Woman Tradition, which reweaves the cloak of the Ancients, and is part of White Pine Farm and Neetopk Keetopk (“My Friends, Your Friends” in Algonquin). Sarah will speak on the Wise Woman Tradition, giving you the opportunity to slow down and reconnect to the Great Mother, Gaia, Earth, and to yourself.

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