Tag Archives: Ulster

Breaking Through Barriers

Some call this a War on Women and many days it feels like there are more barriers being erected than torn down. AAUW is nonpartisan. That means we don’t support specific candidates, but we do take positions on specific issues that impact equity for women and girls. Here are some of our recent and upcoming activities.

  • Lobby Day in Albany: we met with our elected representatives about pay equity. In NYS women earn 83 cents for every dollar a man in a comparable job earns. While the Assembly passed pay equity, the Senate never brought the bills to the floor for debate or a vote.  AAUW branches state-wide will be pursuing moving the Pay Equity bills onto the Senate floor next spring.
  • Unhappy Hour: the branch met at Keegan Ales on Pay Equity Day, April 17, to spread the word about our unhappiness that women still earn less than men for the same job. We continue to be unhappy as both the State Senate and the Federal Congress resist even talking about pay equity. Make your elected representatives aware of your position.
  • Miss Representation Screening: The branch screened Miss Representation at the Rosendale Theatre to increase awareness of the many ways that girls and young women are unfairly portrayed in the media. The proceeds help provide local scholarships.  Now we have a project underway to promote media literacy and awareness regarding the misrepresentation of women and girls in the media. If you’d like to participate in this project, contact Adele Calcavecchio.
  • Cancelled … Candidate Forums starting with a June 23 forum before the Congressional primary June 26. Invited candidates: Joel Tyner, Julian Schreibman, and Chris Gibson. Additional forums for state candidates will be scheduled before the state and local primaries September 11 and the general election November 8.
  • Get Out the Vote activities: Help us manage voter registration and voter education, especially focused on young adults who support equity issues. Interested? Contact Susan Holland.

Stay up to date on these and other issues and events by subscribing to our enewsletter.

Sexual Harassment in Our Schools: How big a problem? What can we do?

CrossCrossing the Line Cover Arting the Line: Sexual Harassment at School, AAUW’s new research report on sexual harassment in middle and high schools, which was released online Monday, has gotten significant media attention from a number of outlets including the Associated Press and the New York Times. This report — the first of its kind in 10 years — provides valuable information for all of us who are concerned about the next generation.

Parents, teachers, administrators, policy makers, and, most of all, students need this report to shed light on the issue of sexual harassment in schools. AAUW is ready to amplify the conversation and give people the facts and best practices they need to work toward a solution.

You can get a PDF of the Executive Summary and/or the full report here.

Watch this site for more discussion about what we can do.