4/3/24 to 5/15/24 (at noon ET): AAUW National Election

Check your email for this Subject line: AAUW Election 2024, and then vote Yes for Open Membership!
From AAUW National Board Chair Julia Brown
For over a century, AAUW has championed gender equity while evolving strategically. Now we can build upon our legacy by welcoming all who share our mission, regardless of degree status.
Why does this matter? Because our standing as a leading voice for gender equity demands we practice the inclusion we fight for.
Far from devaluing our work, this evolution recognizes that many champion equity through non-traditional paths.
Rest assured, an open membership won’t require changing our name or mission. AAUW will remain the powerful organization you’ve always known, open to a wider universe of equity allies.
For over a century, our ability to evolve has been our strength. In these uncertain times, we need to include all allies, regardless of degree status.
Let’s forge a more just, equitable future together by voting Yes on open membership.
In solidarity,
Julia T. Brown, Esq.
Board Chair, AAUW