3/22: We’re hosting a Poetry Open Mike!

AAUW Kingston Branch Meeting
Wednesday, March 22, 4 PM on Zoom
A Poetry Open Mike

Let’s all get our creative juices flowing and start getting ready for National Poetry Month in AprilĀ  by joining AAUW Kingston poets and poetry lovers for an afternoon of inspiration!

Featuring AAUW Kingston Past-President ViVi Hlavsa. ViVi is a talented published poet and will read from her works. Vivi has published Waking October Leaves and Squinnied for a Sign. The name of her forthcoming work is Re-Versing: Memoir of a Non-Agenarian.

Also featuring our current branch President Lynn Gore, who will read select poems from her collection.

Do you write poetry now, or have you ever? Why not share your creativity with our members and guests as we welcome spring! Or, you can to read a favorite poem by another author.

RSVP to Lynn Gore at lynngore54@gmail.com (Subject: poetry open mike) so we know how much time to set for each participant. If time permits, you might want to have a couple of backup poems ready to go. Lynn will send the Zoom link out on 3/21.

See you on Zoom on 3/22!…Susan H., susan-holland-usa.net