2/23/23: February Branch Meeting with Guest Speaker

AAUW Kingston: February Branch Meeting
featuring —
Mental Fitness: Strengthen your Coping Skills
with Guest Speaker Lisa Cypers Kamen

Join applied positive psychology and lifestyle management expert Lisa Cypers Kamen for an emotional muscle-toning training session designed to strengthen coping skills in order to better meet life on life’s terms.

Lisa is the Principal Felicitator at Harvesting Happiness, a global lifestyle management consultancy supporting clients in cultivating greater overall well-being and enhancing quality of life. Services include life-crisis triage, addiction and trauma recovery fortification, and corporate wellness programming. Lisa is an author, documentary filmmaker, podcast host, frequent radio, television and print media guest expert, TEDx speaker and contributor to The Huffington Post, Mind Body Green, Thrive Global, Positively Positive, and Inspire Me Today. She is a WEGO Healthcare Expert & Patient Leader.

Lisa infuses science and heart, humor and gravitas to support others in cultivating sustainable happiness and well-being—regardless of life’s drama, trauma, or challenges. Her dynamic presentations are interactive emotional fitness training experiences that will engage, amuse, motivate, and elevate the “Happiness Factor” of any audience.

Check out Lisa’s podcasts here: www.harvestinghappiness.com