2/17 at 4 PM: Branch Meeting and Member Showcase (online)

AAUW Kingston: Member Showcase
Thursday, February 17, 4 PM

Our branch members have fascinating backgrounds, interesting life experiences, and diverse talents. at our 2/17 branch meeting, two of our members, Dr. Judee Irwin and Adele Calcavecchio, will talk about other parts of their lives.

Adele Calcavecchio will be telling us about her acting career: My Life as an Actor.
The past president of AAUW Kingston is the daughter of a long-time AAUW member, a graduate of Trinity College in Washington D.C., and a recipient of a Masters Degree from Yale. She taught English, Public Speaking and Linguistics from grade 7 through the university level. She has acted in live theater from her teenage years until the present. Adele is presently the President of Performing Arts of Woodstock.

Dr. Judee Irwin is a professor emeritus at the University of Connecticut’s Neag School of Education, where she taught literacy education and critical pedagogy. Since retiring, she has become a committed Buddhist practitioner and recently delivered a homily at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Catskills on the subject of Buddhist approaches to happiness. At the February 17 meeting, she will share with us The Buddhist Path to Happiness.

Contact Lynn Gore for Zoom information (lynngore54@gmail.com).