10/2/21: Join AAUW National at reproductive rights rallies

From AAUW National —

AAUW is partnering with more than 150 organizations to host the Rally for Abortion Justice this Saturday, October 2. People will take action in 600+ events nationwide and online to demand an end to the dangerous, escalating attacks on reproductive rights and freedoms in this country. Join us!

We have long known that the day is coming when the Constitutional right to abortion will be challenged. While the Supreme Court of the United States has repeatedly confirmed this right since the Roe vs. Wade court decision in 1973, it has been systematically under attack for decades. States have enacted medically unnecessary restrictions and barriers making access inconsistent. The only answer now is Congressional action.

Access to critical health care should not depend on where someone lives.

This is where you come in: we need you now. Civic participation takes many forms, especially with an ongoing pandemic. Committing to calling your elected officials and empowering friends and family to join is just as, if not more, powerful than going to a rally or march in person. Please make decisions on where and how to advocate safely and take note of public health precautions required in your area. This weekend, you could:

Every person should have the ability to make their own informed decisions regarding their reproductive life. It is beyond time for abortion to be secured legally, funded fully, and equitably available for all who need it, when they need it, without shame or stigma.
Join us on October 2 and every day to protect reproductive health and freedom!