Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

Learn about Planned Parenthood, Regionally and Nationally, Oct. 16

Ruth Ellen Blodgett

Ruth-Ellen Blodgett is President and CEO of Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley, which extends from Albany to Rockland County.She is familiar with the issues specific to health care in New York State, having worked in health care administration in upstate New York . She is known for her clarity as a speaker and her knowledge of the issues affecting Planned Parenthood.

 Ruth-Ellen Blodgett’s talk on “Planned Parenthood, Locally and Nationally” is scheduled for Tuesday, October 16 at 5 PM in the Kingston Library Community Room, 55 Franklin Street.

The talk and discussion is part of the Kingston Branch of AAUW’s Public Policy Committee meeting and is open to the public, with special invitation to members of the Ulster County Activist Council of the Planned Parenthood Mid-Hudson Valley Action Fund.


After the discussion with the audience, all are invited to Keegan Ales, located around the corner from the library at 20 Saint James  Street. All are welcome.— Doris Goldberg    

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Update: Komen loses our support

Last week, in the midst of the Komen/Planned Parenthood controversy, AAUW nationally and the Kingston branch withdrew our support of the Komen Foundation. Locally, we sent a letter to the editor at the Freeman stating our position.

Minutes Late

No sooner did I hit the send button than Komen’s policy reversal hit twitter and the blog-o-sphere. Our letter wasn’t printed. Old news, I assumed.

That is, it wasn’t printed until TODAY!  The letter, today, is out of date, of course, but the principle still stands.And, we’ll be watching to see how this plays out over the long run.

Why Today?

I find it interesting that our letter is printed right below Kathleen Parker’s column today, Birth control redux supporting the Catholic Church in their fight over the Federal decision not to exempt their organizations that serve the public from including women’s preventive care in their employee healthcare insurance coverage. But, then, that’s another letter.

You can read our letter to the editor here.  And tell us what you think about either issue in the comments below.