Category Archives: AAUW-NYS

Remarkable Women in New York State History Reading

On Sunday, July 27, the Poughkeepsie Branch’s Sunday Author Series will explore the book, Remarkable Women in New York State History, a collection of short biographies of notable women from across the state throughout its history. The book is the end-product of an AAUW NYS project, “Women Making a Difference” and coauthored by Marilynn Smiley and AAUW NYS Historian, Helen Engel. Both Smiley and Engel will be on hand to introduce the book.

The program runs from 2:00-3:00 pm at the Gallery in Beacon (199 Main Street, map). Please contact Wendy Maragh Taylor with any questions.

Remarkable Women in New York State History


Introduction by authors Marilynn Smiley and Helen Engel

Catharyna Brett 1687-1763, Barbara Wilman (author)

Sojourner Truth 1797-1883, Helen Engel

Maria Salmon Mitchell 1818-1889, Helen Engel

Eleanor Roosevelt 1884-1962, Eleanor Charwat* (author)

Jane Matilda Bolin 1908-2007, Wendy Maragh Taylor* (author)

Ruth Stafford Peale 1906-2008, Marilynn Smiley

Anna Oder Buchholz 1921-2007, Barbara Mindel* (author)

Lucille Pattison 1935-2013, Judith Linville* (author)

* Members of AAUW Poughkeepsie Branch

Tomorrow, February 4th, Google Hangout Event on Addressing Sexual Assaults on Campus

Tomorrow at 3:00 pm, join Congresswoman Jackie Speier (CA-14, D) and student advocates and leaders from Know Your IX, the National Women Law Center, and AAUW in an online conversation about what actions the Department of Education should take to protect students from sexual violence on campus.

Please click Google Hangouts on the Air to learn more, RSVP, and listen in.

Tell Congress to Increase the Minimum Wage


Can you support your family on $15,000 per year?

National Day of Action to Raise the Minimum Wage

Millions of workers – mostly women – struggle to make ends meet on the current minimum wage. At just $7.25 an hour, or roughly $14,500 per year, the current federal minimum wage hasn’t been raised in THREE YEARS and is leaving working families in poverty.

 Since that last increase, prices of basic goods such as milk, gas, and college tuition have climbed steadily, but the federal minimum wage remains stuck at $7.25 an hour.

Kimberly Fountain, AAUW’s State Grassroots Advocacy Manager, who was with us at the AAUW-NYS Summer Leadership Conference last weekend in Cazenovia, mentioned that MomsRising is a great partner in our national efforts to address economic justice issues. We multiply our efforts when we join other progressive organizations working for the same goals as AAUW.*

Partner with MomsRising by telling your U.S. Representative to co-sponsor the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2012 to raise the outdated federal minimum wage. Click the Take Action button.

take action

The Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2012 would gradually raise the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $9.80 per hour, increase the tipped minimum cash wage from $2.13 per hour to 70 percent of the minimum wage, and index the minimum wage to keep pace with inflation. 

Increasing the minimum wage and tipped minimum wage are key steps toward fair pay for women.

Women’s Workforce Bill Needs Your Support




In the next few days the NYS Assembly and the NYS Senate will vote on the
Women’s Workforce Bill (A.9020b/S.6429a)

This legislation will help close the gender wage gap in NY by improving the information and services women receive from New York’s workforce development system. People will now have information on the gender wage gap and a better understanding about higher paying jobs and the level of wages they need to make to support their families.   And, Democratic Assembly member Ellen Jaffee and Republican Senator Joe Robach are the sponsors showing bi-partisan support.

 Time is short…Click to send this message now… 


 Click the link below to log in and send your message:



NEW YORK STATE PAY EQUITY COALITION (NYSPEC):  Member Organizations:Statewide: American Association of University Women (AAUW), Business & Professional Women’s Clubs, NYS Federation, Inc. (BPW), Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), DC 37 (AFSCME/AFL-CIO), League of Women Voters, NYS (LWV), National Association For Female Executives (NAFE), National Organization for Women (NYS), Northeast Council of YWCA, NYS Girl Scout Legislative Network, NYS Nurses Association (NYSNA), NYS United Teachers (NYSUT), Public Employees Federation (PEF), Service Employee Int’l Union (SEIU) (AFL-CIO), United Public Service Employees Union (UPSEU), United University Professions (UUP), Women’s Sports Foundation, Regional: BPW District III (4 Capital District Chapters), CSEA Nassau Local 830, Capital District Labor-Religion Coalition, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (Nassau County & Capital District Chapters), Cortland YWCA Regional, Long Island Women’s Agenda (LIWA) Long Island Progressive Coalition, NAACP, Islip Town & Saratoga County Branches, New York Women’s Agenda, Founding NYSPEC Member: Women on the Job

Planning for Pay Equity Day – April 17

It takes almost 15 months for women to earn what a man in a comparable position earns in Equal pay button12 months. That gap begin straight out of school and can mean thousands of dollars.

Today, when most families depend on two bread winners and single mothers are often one paycheck away from homelessness, AAUW is taking a leadership position on the state and national level to advocate for pay equity and comparable worth.

The Kingston Branch will be holding two events on April 17, Pay Equity Day.

  • AAUW-NYS Public Policy Day: Join us as we join other AAUW members in Albany to meet with our state Senator and Assembly Reps about pay equity and other public policy issues. The more the merrier – register at AAUW Public Policy Day 2012 and let Susan Holland know so we can travel together.
  • Bring your friends, neighbors, and adult children to the “Unhappy Hour” — an informal networking event for people who care about pay equity for women and minorities or want to learn more. We’ll gather at Keegan Ale from 5-7 pm.

Planning for Spring: AAUW NYS Convention

Come to the AAUW-NYS Convention April 20-22, 2012 in Rochester!
This year’s state cAAUW NYS Logoonvention theme, “In Their Footsteps”, will celebrate the historic women’s rights movement centered in New York State. It will begin with a Friday afternoon tour of the Susan B. Anthony House and continue on Saturday with a dialogue between impersonators of Anthony and of Matilda Joslyn Gage will bring alive the conflicts within the women’s suffrage movement – surprisingly relevant to today’s political divisions. Workshops on“The Haudenosaunee Influence”, “Harriet Tubman“, African-American “Uncrowned Queens“,”Elizabeth Cady Stanton“,”Women of the Chautauqua Movement“, and “The Seneca Army Depot Peace Encampment” will all expand on this theme.
Keynotes by Cathy Kelm, head of AAUW’s Lobby Corps in Washington, and by Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, as well as workshops on The Temp Economy and “Clean Money, Clean Elections“, a dialogue on the Women’s History Trail, and “Project Women” will show how we can continue the mission today. We’ll extend that mission throughout the world with our international speaker, Jane Roberts.
By popular demand we will again have military bridge on Friday evening, an exercise session (yoga this year!) on Saturday afternoon, musical entertainment on Saturday evening, and opportunities for swimming, walking, and bidding on LAF offerings (purses this year!). As a special treat, the Branch Showcase will be a presentation by the Bath Branch of the play “Momoirs” on Sunday morning. 
– Peggy Kelland, AAUW-NYS V.P. Program