2024 AAUW-NYS annual convention: exciting news!

We, her fellow board and branch members, extend a hearty congratulations to our marvelous newsletter editor Geraldine Popko! At the 2024 AAUW-NYS annual convention held 6/28 and 6/29 at the Hilton Hotel in Poughkeepsie, our branch won a 2024 AAUW-NYS Communication Award for Outstanding Newsletter! (See below.)

And thank you to our branch president Lynn Gore for her participation in a Learning Circle that was part of the Saturday afternoon session on Educational Challenges Today!

Also, thank you so much to our sister branch in Poughkeepsie for hosting this year’s state convention, to all of the organizers, and to the outgoing and incoming state officers!

– Susan Holland, branch webmaster, state delegate, etc….!