3/6: International Women’s Day Forum in New Paltz

Thursday, March 6, 2014, 6:30 PM
Coykendall Science Building Auditorium
SUNY New Paltz

The gains of American women were obtained through struggle. In addition to keeping what we gained, full equality for women remains to be achieved.

Our March 6 meeting, commemorating International Women’s Day, will discuss the victories, setbacks and tasks ahead in the quest for full equality. We urge the women and men of our region to join with us on that day. Details of the gathering follow;

Speaking are Donna Goodman, of the Mid-Hudson WORD chapter, a UUP union delegate and an editor of the Activist Newsletter; Ilgu Ozler, a Professor of Political Science and International Relations at SUNY New Paltz and chair of Mid-Hudson Amnesty; Daniella Monticciolo, member of Feminist Collective (SUNY NP); Urban Lyrics (a campus slam poetry group); Himali Pandya of Grace Smith House (a women’s and children’s shelter); Lydia Johnson, CLUW & UUP; and Leah Obias of the Philippina activist organization Damayan. There will be an exciting 5-minute video as well.

The forum is sponsored by the Mid-Hudson chapter of WORD (Women Organized to Resist and Defend), the Mid-Hudson Valley chapter of Amnesty International, and Hudson Valley Activist Newsletter.

Endorsers include New York Civil Liberties Union, Mid-Hudson Valley Planned Parenthood, Working Families Party, Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation, Upper Hudson Central Labor Council, and United University Professions (UUP, SUNY NP chapter). Also OXFAM America @ SUNY NP, Democracy Matters (SUNY NP), Dutchess Greens, Hudson Valley Progressives, La Voz (Bard), Middle East Crisis Response, Mid-Hudson ANSWER, New Paltz Women in Black, Orange County Democratic Alliance, Real Majority Project, Ulster County Democratic Women, Women Against War, WESPAC, Women’s Gender and Sexuality Studies (SUNY NP), Queer Student Union (SUNY NP), Students for Sustainable Agriculture (SUNY NP), Unitarian Universalists of Poughkeepsie (Social Justice Committee), Dutchess Peace, AAUW Kingston, Environmental Task Force, and Old Lesbians Organizing for Change-HV.

The meeting will call for an end to violence against women — in the home, on the street and in all public and private spaces; reproductive justice for all women — including full access to contraception, abortion, health care and child care; a living wage for all, and equity in the workplace, with paid family leave, and an end to sexual harassment at work; and full equality for women in all areas of society. We stand for full equality and respect and against racism, sexism, anti-LGBT bigotry, and commercialization of women in mass media.

For information about the March 6 event or to volunteer, contact np@defendwomensrights.org.

Campus map: http://www.newpaltz.edu/map/

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