12/3: Showing of Half the Sky in Rosendale, with discussion and activism

Half the Sky: Turning Oppression into Opportunity for Women Worldwide

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
7:15 PM
Rosendale Theater
408 Main Street
Rosendale, NY 12472
Map and directions at:

A documentary based on the book by Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn, showing successful efforts to turn oppression to opportunity for women worldwide. Segments will be shown on gender-based violence, sex trafficking, and forced prostitution.

There will also be a discussion led by Julia Drost, the Policy and Advocacy Associate for the Women’s Human Rights Program of Amnesty International USA. Ms. Drost will share the latest developments, including the status of the International Violence Against Women Act (IVAWA) in the U.S. Congress. There will be letter writing opportunities as part of Amnesty International’s Global Write for Rights event, which is the largest grassroots human rights event in the world.

Cost: By donation
Sponsored by: Mid-Hudson Chapter of Amnesty International
Facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/events/676420339043012/
For more info: group1003@aiusa.org, 845-257-2635

This event represents the Third Annual Human Rights Film from the Mid-Hudson Chapter of Amnesty International. There is a companion event, a fundraising DJ dance party, at the Rosendale Cafe on Friday, 12/6. For more info, go to: