Petition for a Special UN Resolution to End Child Marriage

The World YWCA is sponsoring a petition calling on the UN Commission on the Status of Women to issue a special resolution to end child marriage.

Worldwide, 1 in 3 women ages 20 to 24 were married before the age of 18. In developing countries, 1 in 7 girls are married before the age of 15. If present trends continue, the UNFPA estimates that over the next decade, 14.2 million girls will be married before they turn 18 every year. Without meaningful and aggressive intervention, by 2021 the average number of  girls married each year will raise to 15.1 million girls– a figure nearly equal to the population of New England.

Early marriage limits girls’ economic and social opportunities, decreases their access to education, and seriously impacts their health. Worldwide, complications from pregnancy and childbirth are a leading cause of death for adolescent girls. Furthermore, young brides are more likely to become victims of domestic violence. Early marriage helps to perpetuate unequal gender roles, poverty, and lack of education. Allowing girls to have a childhood, education, and make their own choices helps strengthen communities in the long-run, advance development, and stabilize societies.

On March 7, the World YWCA will deliver its petition to the CSW57 session. You can support the rights of women and girls around the world by adding your name here and then sharing the petition with your family and friends.


One thought on “Petition for a Special UN Resolution to End Child Marriage

  1. Elissa Jury

    Surely the taking of a human life can be accomplished with more than a gun or knife. Child marriage takes from young women the right to self actualize and makes them a commodity in a most sacred union of choice – marriage. Please end child marriage and restore to these children the most basic of human rights – choice.

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