Planning for Pay Equity Day – April 17

It takes almost 15 months for women to earn what a man in a comparable position earns in Equal pay button12 months. That gap begin straight out of school and can mean thousands of dollars.

Today, when most families depend on two bread winners and single mothers are often one paycheck away from homelessness, AAUW is taking a leadership position on the state and national level to advocate for pay equity and comparable worth.

The Kingston Branch will be holding two events on April 17, Pay Equity Day.

  • AAUW-NYS Public Policy Day: Join us as we join other AAUW members in Albany to meet with our state Senator and Assembly Reps about pay equity and other public policy issues. The more the merrier – register at AAUW Public Policy Day 2012 and let Susan Holland know so we can travel together.
  • Bring your friends, neighbors, and adult children to the “Unhappy Hour” — an informal networking event for people who care about pay equity for women and minorities or want to learn more. We’ll gather at Keegan Ale from 5-7 pm.