The April Branch Meeting brought together three terrific women with very different expertise. Jenn Mayfield, our International Chair hosted the panel.
Joan Monk discussed My Sister’s Keeper, AAUW-NYS’ project that grew out of reading Half the Sky. Joan encouraged each of us individually and as a branch to get informed, inspired, and involved. Her best quip of the day — “Comfort the troubled and trouble the comfortable.”
Sarah Hsu, Assistant Professor of Economics at SUNY New Paltz, specializes in the economics of women and poverty and crisis economics. She provided a fast round the world discussion of the impact of the worldwide recession.
JoAnne Myers, Professor of Political Science and Co-director of Women’s Studies at Marist, brought it all closer to home. Her message: that every issue impacting women and families around the globe impact us locally as well — from water to health, infant mortality and food insecurity, and transportation, to mention just a few issues. She cautioned us against “checkbook philanthropy” and encouraged us to action.
Those in attendance left thinking about what issues we’re most passionate about.